

API Reference

The EnviaYa API is following the REST architectural style and uses resource-oriented URLs as well as HTTP response codes to communicate any API error. All API responses return JSON.

In the right sidebar, you can find examples that works as they are. You only need to fill the api_key variable with your personal API key. You can find it in your user configuration on

Error Codes & Responses

The EnviaYa API returns appropriate HTTP status codes for every request.



In order to authenticate you need to user your API key. You can find it under your profile. Please be sure to keep your API key secret so nobody else will create shipments with your account and without your authorization.

Authentication to our API is performed using HTTP Basic Auth. Just provide your API key as the basic auth username.

Authentication via bearer auth is also supported. To do so, simply use -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_test_YOUR_API_KEY"

If you need to authenticate via bearer auth (e.g., for a cross-origin request), use -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_test_YOUR_API_KEY".

HTTPS protocol must be used for all API requests. Request over HTTP will fail.


Parameter Type Description
api_key required String YOUR_API_KEY
enviaya_account optional String You may create several Billing accounts for your user. This can be useful for internal billing and controlling purposes or if you want to use different carrier and service configurations by account.
carrier_account optional String If you want to use your own carrier account, you can transmit it here. Please note that you first need to configure your carrier accounts and access data in your EnviaYa user on

Core Objects

You will use and retrieve the following core objects in your requests to and response from our API. Some of the fields will only be present in the API responses and do not need to be transmitted in your requests.


Billing accounts are used for billing, control, carrier & services filters and customer specific dicounts. A standard user usually uses only one Billing account, whereas corporate users might want to use several ones in order to for example attribute shipments and costs to specific internal departments.

Furthermore, customers who want to use their own carrier accounts, e.g. because they want to use their own negotiated rates, are able to configure them in EnviaYa and use them with our API.

Example Object
    "enviaya_account": "Y0DCRGIU",
    "carrier_account": null


Parameter Type Description
enviaya_account optional String You may create several Billing accounts for your user. This can be useful for internal billing and controlling purposes or if you want to use different carrier and service configurations by account.
carrier_account optional String If you want to use your own carrier account, you can transmit it here. Please note that you first need to configure your carrier accounts and access data in your EnviaYa user on


Direction objects are the core of every shipment quote, a shipment label request and a pickup scheduling request. A direction object can be an origin, destination or pickup address.

Example Object
    "direction": {
        "full_name": "Juan Mario Perez Lopez",
        "company": "EnviaYa",
        "direction_1": "Moliere 68",
        "direction_2": "Esquina Masaryk",
        "latitude": 19.4319089,
        "longitude": -99.1983147,
        "neighborhood": "Polanco IV Seccion",
        "district": "Miguel Hidalgo",
        "postal_code": "11550",
        "city": "Ciudad de Mexico",
        "state_code": "DF",
        "country_code": "MX",
        "phone": "5584214124",
        "tax_id": "TOU130409ID7",
        "email": ""


Parameter Type Description
full_name required String Full name: First name(s) and last name(s) of the direction.
company optional String Company name
direction_1 required String First street line. In most cases, this is the street name and street number.
direction_2 optional String Second street line. E.g. for internal numbers or further references to encounter the direction.
latitude optional Float Coordinates latitude
longitude optional Float Coordinates longitude
postal_code required if country has postal code String Postal Code (not mandatory for countries that do not manage postal codes)
neighborhood optional String The neighborhood is only used for directions in Mexico.
district optional String The district is only used for directions in Mexico.
city required String The city is optional for quote requests (unless the direction country does not manage postal codes), but mandatory for pickup booking
state_code optional String The state code is only needed for directions within the USA, Canada or Mexico. If no state code is provided, we try to determine
country_code required ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code (ISO 2 country code) The 2 digits ISO 3166 country code of the origin.
phone required String Carriers use the phone number to call the direction contact in case of any questions or problems. If you do not know the phone number of an direction, you might consider putting your own.
tax_id optional String RFC
email optional String The e-mail is used for automatic shipment and tracking notification. You can leave it empty if you don’t want such notifications to be sent.


The parcel object defines the dimensions and the weight of the parcels or document you are sending. A shipment can contain more than just one parcel. If all parcels you are sending do have the same dimensions and weight, you can use the field quantity so specify how many parcels you are sending. If dimension or weight differ, you can send several parcel objects in your request.

Please note: It is usually cheaper to send one shipment with several parcels instead of sending one separate shipment for each parcel you are sending. (Of course, this only applies as long as all your parcels are sent to the same destination.)

Example Object
         "quantity": "1",
         "weight": "1.5",
         "weight_unit": "kg",
         "length": "8",
         "height": "13",
         "width": "15",
         "dimension_unit": "cm",
         "content": "Content",
         "reference": "Some Reference",
         "reference_type": 4,
         "value": 100.0,
         "value_currency": "MXN",
         "packaging_category": "XBX",
         "product_category": "31181701"


Parameter Type Description
quantity required Integer The quantity of parcels with the same dimensions and weight.
weight required Float The weight of the parcel.
weight_unit required kg, lbs The weight unit used.
height required Float The height of the parcel.
length required Float The length of the parcel.
width required Float The width of the parcel.
dimension_unit required cm, in The dimension unit used.
content required for Package String The content of the parcel.
reference optional String Some custom reference you want to assign to the parcel
reference_type required if reference provided Integer The type of reference provided
See Reference Types Catalogue
value optional Float The total value of all goods in the parcel. Hint: Only put the value of the goods in one parcel here, even if you send a quantity of 5.
value_currency optional String The currency of the value.
has_dangerous_materials optional Boolean Indicates if the parcel contains dangerous material.
packaging_category optional String Carta Porte: The category of the packaging used. (c_ClaveUnidadPeso)
product_category optional String Carta Porte: The category of the goods in the parcel. (c_ClaveProdServCP)
dangerous_material_product_category optional String Carta Porte: The category of the dangerous goods in the parcel. (c_MaterialPeligroso)
dangerous_material_packaging_category optional String Carta Porte: The category of the packaging used for the dangerous goods. (c_ClaveUnidadPeso)


HTTP request

POST /api/v1/rates

Example Request

Example Object
  "id": 1016,
  "date": "2016-11-14T06:22:54-06:00",
  "carrier": "dhl",
  "carrier_service_name": "DOMESTIC EXPRESS 8:30",
  "carrier_service_code": "I",
  "carrier_logo_url": "",
  "carrier_logo_url_svg": "",
  "estimated_delivery": "2016-11-15 09:00",
  "net_shipping_amount": 432.7,
  "net_surcharges_amount": 95.98,
  "net_total_amount": 528.68,
  "vat_amount": 82.47,
  "vat_rate": 16,
  "total_amount": 597.91,
  "public_total_amount": 597.91,
  "public_total_amount_currency": "MXN",
  "currency": "MXN",
  "service_terms": "",
  "surcharges_break_down": [
      "surcharge_name": "FUEL SURCHARGE",
      "surcharge_net_amount": 17.74,
      "surcharge_vat": 2.84,
      "surcharge_total": 20.58
      "surcharge_name": "SHIPMENT INSURANCE",
      "surcharge_net_amount": 65,
      "surcharge_vat": 10.4,
      "surcharge_total": 75.4
  "enviaya_service_name": "",
  "enviaya_service_code": ""


Parameter Type Description
id optional Integer The ID of the rate.
date optional Time Date and Time of the rate. This can be important for time definte services, because they might not be delivered on time if shipment is realized until a later hour of the day.
carrier required String Carrier providing the service.
carrier_service_name optional String The service name used by the carrier.
carrier_service_code String The service code used by the carrier.
carrier_logo_url String The URL to the carrier logo. Can be used if you want to display the carrier logo to your users.
carrier_logo_url_svg String The URL to the carrier logo. Can be used if you want to display the carrier logo to your users.
estimated_delivery Datetime The estimated delivery date and time. Time is only provided for a time definte service. For all other services, only an estimated delivery date is provided.
net_shipping_amount Float The net amount of the shipping service. This amount does not include additional surcharges that migth apply.
net_surcharges_amount Float The net amount of all surcharges that apply additional to the net shipping amount.
net_total_amount Float The total net amount of the shipment, including all charges that apply (shipping amound and surcharges) You will probably want to use this field if you want to know the total net shipping amount of a service.
vat_amount Float The vat amount applying.
vat_rate Float The vat rate.
total_amount Float The total amount / final price of the shipment. This amount includes all charges that apply (shipping and surcharges) and VAT. You will probably want to use this field if you want to know the final total price of a service.
public_total_amount Float The public total amount.
public_total_amount_currency ISO 4217 alphabetic currency code The 3 letter currency code in ISO 4217 alphabetic standard.
currency ISO 4217 alphabetic currency code The 3 letter currency code in ISO 4217 alphabetic standard.
surcharges Surcharges The breakdown of surcharges that apply to your shipment.
service_terms String If special terms apply for a service, these are mentioned here.
enviaya_service_name String A standardized service name assigned by us. This can be used for easier understanding and comparision of the carrier services. Example: "2 day shipping".
enviaya_service_code String A unique service code assigned by us and used to identify this specific service. Can be used for label creation and pickup service.

Create a Rate

Retrieve a Rate


Example Object
"shipment": {
  "shipment_date": "2025-03-24",
  "shipment_type": "Package",
  "insured_value": 5000,
  "insured_value_currency": "MXN",
  "content": "Books",
  "reference": "Some Reference",
  "reference_type": 4,
  "carrier": "DHL",
  "carrier_service_code": "N",
  "enviaya_service_code": "A",
        "quantity": "1",
        "weight": "1.5",
        "weight_unit": "kg",
        "length": "8",
        "height": "13",
        "width": "15",
        "dimension_unit": "cm",
        "references":[ {} ]
  "file_format": "PDF",
  "label_size": "Thermal",
  "label_url": "",
    "id": 1398164,
    "date": "2016-10-07T13:56:56-05:00",
    "carrier": "DHL",
    "carrier_service_name": "EXPRESS DOMESTIC",
    "carrier_service_code": "N",
    "carrier_logo_url": "",
    "carrier_logo_url_svg": "",
    "estimated_delivery": "2016-10-10",
    "net_shipping_amount": 120.72,
    "net_surcharges_amount": 1189.15,
    "vat": 30.51,
    "total_amount": 221.18,
    "currency": "MXN",
    "service_terms": "",
    "surcharges_break_down": [
        "surcharge_name": "SHIPMENT INSURANCE",
        "surcharge_net_amount": 65,
        "surcharge_vat": 1040,
        "surcharge_total": 1105
        "surcharge_name": "FUEL SURCHARGE",
        "surcharge_net_amount": 4.95,
        "surcharge_vat": 79.2,
        "surcharge_total": 84.15
    "enviaya_service_name": "Next Day",
    "enviaya_service_code": "A"

Shipments are the core of our API. You will use shipment objects to rate your shipments and to create shipment labels. You may also use shipments when you request a pickup, in order to let the carrier know more details of the shipment that needs to be picked up.


Parameter Type Description
shipment_type optional Document, Package Defines if the shipment is a document or a package. If no value is provided, Package is assumed as shipment type.
parcels required Parcel See Parcel object.
insured_value optional Float Defines the amount you want to insure. Please note that shipment insurance usually generates an additional cost.
insured_value_currency required if insured ISO 4217 alphabetic currency code The 3 letter currency code in ISO 4217 alphabetic standard.
content required for type Document and Booking String The shipment content.Only required for the labelling service.
reference optional String Some custom reference you want to assign to the parcel
reference_type required if reference provided Integer The type of reference provided
See Reference Types Catalogue
shipment_date optional Date The shipment date. If not provided, we will use the current date in your users time zone.
carrier optional String
carrier_service_code required for label generation String The service code used by the carrier. Only mandatory if you provide at least one parcel.
enviaya_service_code optional String A unique service code assigned by us and used to identify this specific service. Can be used for label creation and pickup service.
enviaya_shipment_number optional String
carrier_shipment_number optional String
label optional String The label in DBASE code
file_format optional "pdf" ,
"dpl" ,
"ipl" ,
"png" ,
"json" ,
"zpl" ,
The printer format of the file.
label_size optional "Letter",
The printer size of the label.
label_url optional String The URL where the label can be downloaded.
rate optional Rate The rate and charges break down of the shipment cost.
accounts optional Accounts See Accounts object.

Create a Shipment

Retrieve a Shipment


Example Object
{ "pickup":
            "pickup_date": "2025-03-24",
            "schedule_from": "2016-07-21T01:00:00-05:00",
            "schedule_to": "2016-07-21T13:00:00-05:00",
            "carrier": "UPS",
            "enviaya_account": "Y0DCRGIU",
            "direction": {
                "full_name": "Sven Crone",
                "company": "EnviaYa",
                "direction_1": "Kepler 195",
                "direction_2": "Int. 2b, Esquina Ejercito Nacional",
                "neighborhood": "Nueva Anzures",
                "district": null,
                "country_code": "MX",
                "postal_code": "11590",
                "city": "Ciudad de Mexico",
                "state_code": "DF",
                "phone": "5554127756",
                "email": ""
            "shipment": {
                "enviaya_shipment_number": "H3K9J7JS"
            "pickup_uuid": "2274f23c-0b31-4eab-8165-d1dc489a53e4",
            "carrier_pickup_confirmation_number": "12312312"


Parameter Type Description
pickup_uuid required String
carrier required DHL,
The carrier you want to book a pickup with.
pickup_date required Date The date you want the pickup to be realized.
schedule_from optional Time The earliest hour you want the carrier to pick up your shipment. Please note that nor do all carriers accept a schedule_from time neither can we guarantee the pickup in the time window provided.
schedule_to optional Time The latest hour you want the carrier to pick up your shipment. Please note that nor do all carriers accept a schedule_to time neither can we guarantee the pickup in the time window provided.
direction required Direction See Direction object.
shipment optional Shipment See Shipment object.
carrier_pickup optional String The pickup confirmation provided by the carrier. You can use this number to track your pickup status directly with the carrier.
pickup_status optional String The current pickup status.
accounts optional Accounts See Accounts object.

Create a Pickup

Retrieve a Pickup

Shipment Events

Example Object
{   "status": "SUCCESS",
    "status_message": "",
            "code": "PU",
            "description": "description",
            "date": "2025-03-24",
            "postal_code": "11550",
            "city": "Mexico",
            "country_code": "MX",
            "country": "Mexico",
            "comments": "Comments"


Parameter Type Description
code optional String The event code.
short_description String A short description of the main event.
description optional String A more detailed description of the main event.
sub event code String The sub event code, which explains the event in further detail.
sub event short description String A short description of the sub event.
description String A more detailed description of the sub-event.
date optional Datetime The date of the event.
postal_code optional String The postal code the event happened at.
city optional String The city the event happened at.
country_code optional ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code (ISO 2 country code) The 2 digits ISO 3166 country code the event happened at.
country optional String The country name the event happened at.
comments optional String Additional checkpoint comments, such as who received a shipment for example.
carrier_code String The original carrier event code.
carrier_description String The original carrier description of the event.

Track a Shipment

Customs Declarations

Example Object
{ "customs":
            "duties_payment": "Recipient",
            "total_declared_value": 100,
            "total_declared_value_currency": "MXN",
            "commodities": [
                    "quantity": 1,
                    "description": "description",
                    "country_of_manufacture": "Country",
                    "unit_price": 50,
                    "total_customs_value": 50,
                    "total_customs_value_currency": "MXN",
                    "weight_per_piece": 2
                    "quantity": 2,
                    "description": "description",
                    "country_of_manufacture": "Country",
                    "unit_price": 25,
                    "total_customs_value": 50,
                    "total_customs_value_currency": "MXN",
                    "weight_per_piece": 2


Parameter Type Description
duties_payment optional Sender, Recipient Defines if Sender or Recipient pays duties. Sender is only allowed if an own carrier account is used.
total_declared_value required Float
total_declared_value_currency required String
commodities required Commodities See Commodity object.


Example Object
{ "commodity":
            "quantity": 2,
            "description": "description",
            "country_of_manufacture": "Country",
            "unit_price": 100,
            "total_customs_value": 200,
            "total_customs_value_currency": "MXN",
            "weight_per_piece": 2


Parameter Type Description
quantity optional Integer Quantity of the commodity
description optional String Description of the commodity
country_of_manufacture optional ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code (ISO 2 country code) The 2 digits ISO 3166 country code of the origin.
unit_price optional Float The unit price
unit_price_currency optional ISO 4217 The 3 letter currency code in ISO 4217 alphabetic standard.
weight_per_piece required Float Weight of the commodity.
total_customs_value required Float Value of the commodity
total_customs_value_currency required String Currency of the commodity value.


Example Object


Parameter Type Description
net_shipping_amount required String The net amount of the shipping service. This amount does not include additional surcharges that migth apply.
net_surcharges_amount optional String The net amount of all surcharges that apply additional to the net shipping amount.
net_total_amount optional Float The total net amount of the shipment, including all charges that apply (shipping amound and surcharges) You will probably want to use this field if you want to know the total net shipping amount of a service.
vat_amount optional Float The vat amount applying.
vat_rate optional Float The vat rate.
total_amount optional Float The total amount / final price of the shipment. This amount includes all charges that apply (shipping and surcharges) and VAT. You will probably want to use this field if you want to know the final total price of a service.
currency optional ISO 4217 alphabetic currency code The 3 letter currency code in ISO 4217 alphabetic standard.
surcharges optional Surcharges The breakdown of surcharges that apply to your shipment.


Example Object
{ "surcahrges":
            "name": "FUEL SURCHARGE",
            "net_amount": 100.0,
            "vat_amount": 16.0,
            "vat_rate": 16.0,
            "total_amount": 116.0



Parameter Type Description
name optional String Surcharge name.
net_amount optional Float The net amount of the surcharge.
vat_amount optional Float The vat amount of the surcharge.
vat_rate optional Float The vat rate that applies.
total_amount optional Float The total amount of the surcharge.


Assignation objects main purpose is to stablish the owner of certain object when everal of them can be defined.

Example Object
    "level": "User",
    "id": 1234


Parameter Type Description
level required User, CorporateAccount, EnviayaAccounts The object to which we are going to assign.
id required Integer The id of the objects for assignment, if just one of them is required.
ids required [Integer] The ids of the objects for assignment, if several of them are required.



HTTP request

POST /api/v1/rates

Example Request


  "enviaya_account": "Y0DCRGIU",
  "carrier_account": null,
      "latitude": 19.4319089,
      "longitude": -99.1983147
      "latitude": 19.3830539,
      "longitude": -99.2421994
    "order_total_amount": 60,

Example Response
    "warning": [
        "Lo sentimos, el envío no se puede realizar con iVoy por el momento",
        "Aviso: Has usado más del 75% de tu crédito autorizado. Te recomendamos revisar y pagar tus facturas pendientes de tal modo que tengas crédito disponible hasta el siguiente ciclo de facturación."
    "dhl": [],
    "fedex": [],
    "redpack": [
            "rate_id": "71003",
            "shipment_id": "6584",
            "dynamic_service_name": "Día siguiente",
            "date": "2018-10-01T05:02:26.724-05:00",
            "carrier": "redpack",
            "carrier_service_name": "EXPRESS",
            "carrier_service_code": "1",
            "carrier_logo_url": "",
            "carrier_logo_url_svg": "",
            "estimated_delivery": "2018-10-02 00:00",
            "net_shipping_amount": 268,
            "net_surcharges_amount": 75,
            "net_total_amount": 343,
            "vat_amount": 54.88,
            "vat_rate": 16,
            "total_amount": 397.88,
            "currency": "MXN",
            "list_total_amount": 397.88,
            "list_total_amount_currency": "MXN",
            "subsidy_total_amount": 0,
            "service_terms": "",
            "surcharges_break_down": [
                    "carrier_surcharge_name": "Insurance",
                    "surcharge_net_amount": 75,
                    "surcharge_vat": 12,
                    "surcharge_total": 87
            "enviaya_service_name": "TBD",
            "enviaya_service_code": "TBD"
            "rate_id": "71004",
            "shipment_id": "6584",
            "dynamic_service_name": "Entrega en 2 días",
            "date": "2018-10-01T05:02:26.738-05:00",
            "carrier": "redpack",
            "carrier_service_name": "METROPOLITANO",
            "carrier_service_code": "4",
            "carrier_logo_url": "",
            "carrier_logo_url_svg": "",
            "estimated_delivery": "2018-10-03 00:00",
            "net_shipping_amount": 110.24,
            "net_surcharges_amount": 75,
            "net_total_amount": 185.24,
            "vat_amount": 29.64,
            "vat_rate": 16,
            "total_amount": 214.88,
            "currency": "MXN",
            "list_total_amount": 214.88,
            "list_total_amount_currency": "MXN",
            "subsidy_total_amount": 0,
            "service_terms": "",
            "surcharges_break_down": [
                    "carrier_surcharge_name": "Insurance",
                    "surcharge_net_amount": 75,
                    "surcharge_vat": 12,
                    "surcharge_total": 87
            "enviaya_service_name": "TBD",
            "enviaya_service_code": "TBD"
    "ups": [
            "rate_id": "71006",
            "shipment_id": "6584",
            "dynamic_service_name": "Día siguiente",
            "date": "2018-10-01T05:02:34.020-05:00",
            "carrier": "ups",
            "carrier_service_name": "UPS Saver",
            "carrier_service_code": "65",
            "carrier_logo_url": "",
            "carrier_logo_url_svg": "",
            "estimated_delivery": "2018-10-02",
            "net_shipping_amount": 249.03,
            "net_surcharges_amount": 45,
            "net_total_amount": 294.03,
            "vat_amount": 47.05,
            "vat_rate": 16,
            "total_amount": 341.08,
            "currency": "MXN",
            "list_total_amount": 344,
            "list_total_amount_currency": "MXN",
            "subsidy_total_amount": 0,
            "service_terms": "",
            "surcharges_break_down": [
                    "carrier_surcharge_name": "Insurance",
                    "surcharge_net_amount": 45,
                    "surcharge_vat": 7.2,
                    "surcharge_total": 52.2
            "enviaya_service_name": null,
            "enviaya_service_code": null
            "rate_id": "71007",
            "shipment_id": "6584",
            "dynamic_service_name": "Día siguiente (Entrega 08:30)",
            "date": "2018-10-01T05:02:34.034-05:00",
            "carrier": "ups",
            "carrier_service_name": "UPS Worldwide Express Plus",
            "carrier_service_code": "54",
            "carrier_logo_url": "",
            "carrier_logo_url_svg": "",
            "estimated_delivery": "2018-10-02 08:30",
            "net_shipping_amount": 346.15,
            "net_surcharges_amount": 45,
            "net_total_amount": 391.15,
            "vat_amount": 62.58,
            "vat_rate": 16,
            "total_amount": 453.73,
            "currency": "MXN",
            "list_total_amount": 457.79,
            "list_total_amount_currency": "MXN",
            "subsidy_total_amount": 0,
            "service_terms": "",
            "surcharges_break_down": [
                    "carrier_surcharge_name": "Insurance",
                    "surcharge_net_amount": 45,
                    "surcharge_vat": 7.2,
                    "surcharge_total": 52.2
            "enviaya_service_name": "TBD",
            "enviaya_service_code": "TBD"
            "rate_id": "71008",
            "shipment_id": "6584",
            "dynamic_service_name": "Día siguiente (Entrega 10:30)",
            "date": "2018-10-01T05:02:34.048-05:00",
            "carrier": "ups",
            "carrier_service_name": "UPS Worldwide Express",
            "carrier_service_code": "07",
            "carrier_logo_url": "",
            "carrier_logo_url_svg": "",
            "estimated_delivery": "2018-10-02 10:30",
            "net_shipping_amount": 273.76,
            "net_surcharges_amount": 45,
            "net_total_amount": 318.76,
            "vat_amount": 51,
            "vat_rate": 16,
            "total_amount": 369.76,
            "currency": "MXN",
            "list_total_amount": 372.98,
            "list_total_amount_currency": "MXN",
            "subsidy_total_amount": 0,
            "service_terms": "",
            "surcharges_break_down": [
                    "carrier_surcharge_name": "Insurance",
                    "surcharge_net_amount": 45,
                    "surcharge_vat": 7.2,
                    "surcharge_total": 52.2
            "enviaya_service_name": "TBD",
            "enviaya_service_code": "TBD"
    "minutos": []

Query Parameters:

Parameter Type Description
origin_direction optional Direction See Origin direction object.
destination_direction optional Direction See Destination direction object.
shipment required Shipment See Shipment object.
accounts optional Accounts See Accounts object.
order_total_amount optional Decimal Order total amount for subsidy calculate
intelligent_filtering optional Boolean If a carrier offers more than one services with the same delivery date and time, only the cheapest one of those services will be returned if the intelligent filtering option is enabled (true). On the contrary, all services will always be returned if this option is disabled (false).
enable_cached_rates optional Boolean Enable cached rates
timeout optional Integer This is timeout value in seconds, after the time request will be returned.


Shipment Booking

Example Request


HTTP request

POST /api/v1/shipments

Example request
  "enviaya_account": "Y0DCRGIU",
  "carrier_account": null,
  "carrier": "ups",
  "carrier_service_code": "07",
  "origin_direction": {
     "full_name": "Sven Crone",
     "direction_1": "Direction 1",
     "latitude": 19.4319089,
     "longitude": -99.1983147,
     "city": "Ciudad Mexiko",
     "phone": "5554127756",
     "state_code": "DF",
     "neighborhood": "Neighborhood"
  "destination_direction": {
    "company": "Leopoldo Murillo",
    "direction_1": "Direction 1",
    "latitude": 19.3830539,
    "longitude": -99.2421994,
    "city": "Ciudad Mexiko",
    "phone": "5554127756",
    "state_code": "DF",
    "neighborhood": "Neighborhood"
  "shipment": {
    "shipment_type": "Package",
    "insured_value": 200,
    "insured_value_currency": "mxn",
        "quantity": 2,
        "weight": 1.5,
        "length": 10,
        "height": 10,
        "width": 10,
        "weight_unit": "kg",
        "content": "Content",
        "value": 100.0,
        "value_currency": "MXN",
        "packaging_category": "XBX",
        "product_category": "31181701"
        "quantity": 10,
        "weight": 1.5,
        "length": 20,
        "height": 10,
        "width": 10,
        "weight_unit": "kg",
        "content": "Content",
        "value": 100.0,
        "value_currency": "MXN",
        "packaging_category": "XBX",
        "product_category": "31181701"
  "cash_on_delivery_amount": 100.00,
  "cash_on_delivery_currency": "MXN",
  "file_format": "PDF",
  "label_size": "Letter",
  "quick_booking": true
Example Response
    "warnings": [],
    "status_message": "Se generó exitosamente el envío.",
    "shipment_date": "2018-10-01T05:26:09-05:00",
    "shipment_status": "Recolección pendiente",
    "shipment_type": "package",
    "parcels": [
            "length": 20,
            "width": 10,
            "height": 10,
            "quantity": 10,
            "weight": 1.5,
            "piece_reference": null,
            "weight_unit": "kg",
            "carrier_invoiced_weight": null,
            "dimension_unit": "cm",
            "all_references": null,
            "shipment": null,
            "pickup": null,
            "volumetric_weight": null
            "length": 10,
            "width": 10,
            "height": 10,
            "quantity": 2,
            "weight": 1.5,
            "piece_reference": null,
            "weight_unit": "kg",
            "carrier_invoiced_weight": null,
            "dimension_unit": "cm",
            "all_references": null,
            "shipment": null,
            "pickup": null,
            "volumetric_weight": null
    "insured_amount": null,
    "insured_amount_currency": null,
    "content": "description",
    "carrier": "UPS",
    "carrier_service_code": "UPS Worldwide Express",
    "enviaya_service_code": null,
    "enviaya_shipment_number": "5E5CRBIQ",
    "id": 6591,
    "carrier_shipment_number": "1ZA9T9206697509399",
    "label": null,
    "file_format": "PDF",
    "label_size": "Letter",
    "label_url": "",
    "label_share_link": "/shipping/shipments/download_label?id=30611276",
    "rate": {
        "rate_id": "71053",
        "shipment_id": null,
        "dynamic_service_name": null,
        "date": "2018-10-01T05:26:14-05:00",
        "carrier": "UPS",
        "carrier_service_name": "UPS Worldwide Express",
        "carrier_service_code": "07",
        "carrier_logo_url": "",
        "carrier_logo_url_svg": "",
        "estimated_delivery": null,
        "net_shipping_amount": 743.65,
        "net_surcharges_amount": 0,
        "net_total_amount": 743.65,
        "vat_amount": 118.98,
        "vat_rate": 16,
        "total_amount": 862.63,
        "currency": "MXN",
        "list_total_amount": 871.35,
        "list_total_amount_currency": "MXN",
        "subsidy_total_amount": null,
        "service_terms": null,
        "surcharges_break_down": [],
        "enviaya_service_name": null,
        "enviaya_service_code": null
    "error": false,
    "errors": [

Query Parameters:

Parameter Type Description
api_key required String YOUR_API_KEY
accounts optional Accounts See Accounts object.
rate_id optional Integer
carrier required DHL, FedEX, UPS
carrier_service_code required String
origin_direction required Direction See Direction object.
destination_direction required Direction See Direction object.
shipment required Shipment See Shipment object.
customs required for international Customs Mandatory for international packages; See Customs object.
cash_on_delivery_amount optional Float Amount to be paid on delivery.
cash_on_delivery_currency optional String Currency of the amount to be paid on delivery
file_format optional "pdf" ,
"dpl" ,
"ipl" ,
"png" ,
"json" ,
"zpl" ,
If no value is provided, pdf is used as default.
label_size optional "Letter", "Thermal" Letter, Thermal. If no value is provided, Letter is used as default.
quick_booking optional true, false The value defines if the price will be calculated right away, or after booking, in order to finish the process more fast.

Response Parameters:

Parameter Type Description
label_share_link String This link can be shared with the public. It grants public download permission for the shipment label.

Shipments Look Up

HTTP request

GET /api/v1/shipments/enviaya_id?api_key=YOUR_API_KEY

  Example Request

  Example Response
      "shipment": {
          "warnings": [],
          "status_message": null,
          "shipment_date": "2018-10-01T05:26:09.000-05:00",
          "shipment_status": "Recolección pendiente",
          "shipment_type": "package",
          "parcels": [
                  "length": 20,
                  "width": 10,
                  "height": 10,
                  "quantity": 10,
                  "weight": 1.5,
                  "piece_reference": null,
                  "weight_unit": "kg",
                  "carrier_invoiced_weight": null,
                  "dimension_unit": "cm",
                  "all_references": null,
                  "shipment": null,
                  "pickup": null,
                  "volumetric_weight": null
                  "length": 10,
                  "width": 10,
                  "height": 10,
                  "quantity": 2,
                  "weight": 1.5,
                  "piece_reference": null,
                  "weight_unit": "kg",
                  "carrier_invoiced_weight": null,
                  "dimension_unit": "cm",
                  "all_references": null,
                  "shipment": null,
                  "pickup": null,
                  "volumetric_weight": null
          "insured_amount": null,
          "insured_amount_currency": null,
          "content": "description",
          "carrier": "UPS",
          "carrier_service_code": "UPS Worldwide Express",
          "enviaya_service_code": null,
          "enviaya_shipment_number": "5E5CRBIQ",
          "id": null,
          "carrier_shipment_number": "1ZA9T9206697509399",
          "label": null,
          "file_format": "PDF",
          "label_size": "Letter",
          "label_url": "",
          "rate": null,
          "error": null,
          "errors": []

Query Parameters:

Parameter Type Description
api_key required String YOUR_API_KEY
enviaya_id required String Identification number of the shipment used by EnviaYa.

Shipment Cancellation

Shipment request cancelation

Note: You dont set the shipment to cancelled, but to request cancellation.

HTTP request

POST /api/v1/request_cancellation

Example Request


  "enviaya_account" : "H76TM5DE",
  "enviaya_id": "Y0DCRGIU",
  "shipment_id": "1112233"
Example Response
  "status": "SUCCESS",
  "status_message": "Cancellation of the shipment 'Y0DCRGIU' was successfully requested."

Query Parameters:

Parameter Type Description
api_key required String YOUR_API_KEY
enviaya_account optional String The Billing account.
enviaya_id optional String The EnviaYa ID of your shipment.
shipment_id optional Integer The shipment ID.


Shipment tracking

HTTP request

POST /api/v1/trackings

Example Request

   "carrier_account": null,
   "shipment_number": "1ZA9T9220497543646"
Example Response

    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "enviaya_shipment_number": "LE8HZKIW",
    "carrier_tracking_number": "1ZA9T9220497543646",
    "estimated_delivery_date": "19/12/2017",
    "expected_delivery_date": "28/12/2017",
    "delivery_date": "2017-12-21T02:55:00-06:00",
    "pickup_date": "2017-12-13T07:57:39-06:00",
    "shipment_status": "Entregado",
    "event_code": 155,
    "event_description": "Entregado",
    "event": "Entregado",
    "status_code": 50,
    "sub_event_code": null,
    "sub_event": null,
    "sub_event_description": null

Query Parameters:

Parameter Type Description
api_key required String YOUR_API_KEY
carrier required DHL,
The carrier you want to track. If you create your shipments with us, you recommend to use the EnviaYa IDs of your shipments for tracking.
shipment_number optional Yes The shipment number or EnviaYa ID of your shipment.
reference optional No If you provide one or more reference(s) when creating your shipment, you can use these for tracking instead of a shipment number.

Response Parameters:

Parameter Type Description
delivery_date String Unlike the estimated delivery date, the expected delivery date considers all existing shipment events and dynamically calculates the probable date of delivery. The main difference between the estimated delivery date and the expected delivery date is, that the estimated delivery is returned during rating and label creation and is never updated, whereas the expected delivery date will be updated over time. If you want to know the realistic date of arrival of a shipment, we recommend to consult the expected_delivery_date.


Pickup booking

HTTP request

POST /api/v1/pickups

Request URL


Example Request
  "enviaya_account": "Y0DCRGIU",
  "carrier_account": null,
  "schedule_from": "08:00",
  "schedule_to": "20:00",
  "direction": {
      "full_name": "Sven Crone",
      "company": "EnviaYa",
      "direction_1": "Kepler 195",
      "direction_2": "Int. 2b, Esquina Ejercito Nacional",
      "latitude": 19.4319089,
      "longitude": -99.1983147,
      "postal_code": "11550",
      "neighborhood": "Nueva Anzures",
      "district": "Miguel Hidalgo",
      "city": "Ciudad de Mexico",
      "state_code": "DF",
      "country_code": "MX",
      "phone": "5554127756",
      "email": ""
  "shipment": {
        "weight_unit": "kg",
        "length": "5",
        "dimension_unit": "cm"
Example response
  "status": "SUCCESS",
  "messages": {
    "message": "Your pickup was created successfully"
  "carrier_pickup_confirmation_number": "105151",
  "pickup_date": "2025-03-24",
  "enviaya_pickup_uuid": "3e296d45-2f89-4b6f-9687-ea6af8398f4c",
  "pickup_status": "Scheduled"

Query Parameters:

Parameter Type Description
api_key required String YOUR_API_KEY
enviaya_account optional String
carrier required DHL, FedEx, UPS,
The carrier you want to book a pickup with.
pickup_date required Date The date you want the pickup to be realized.
schedule_from optional Time The earliest hour you want the carrier to pick up your shipment. Please note that nor do all carriers accept a schedule_from time neither can we guarantee the pickup in the time window provided.
schedule_to optional Time The latest hour you want the carrier to pick up your shipment. Please note that nor do all carriers accept a schedule_to time neither can we guarantee the pickup in the time window provided.
direction required Direction See Direction object.
shipment parcels required Shipment See Shipment object.
carrier_service_codeoptional String The service code used by the carrier.
enviaya_service_codeoptional String A unique service code assigned by us and used to identify this specific service. Can be used for label creation and pickup service.
accounts optional Accounts See Accounts object.

Pickups Look Up

HTTP request

  Example Request


  Example response
    "pickup_date": "2025-03-24",
    "schedule_from": "2016-07-21T01:00:00-05:00",
    "schedule_to": "2016-07-21T13:00:00-05:00",
    "carrier": "UPS",
    "enviaya_account": null,
    "service_code": null,
    "direction": {
    "full_name": "Sven Crone",
    "company": "EnviaYa",
    "direction_1": "Kepler 195",
    "direction_2": "Int. 2b, Esquina Ejercito Nacional",
    "neighborhood": "Nueva Anzures",
    "district": null,
    "country_code": "MX",
    "postal_code": "11590",
    "city": "Ciudad de Mexico",
    "state_code": "DF",
    "phone": "5554127756",
    "email": ""
    "parcels": [ ],
    "uuid": null,
    "confirmation_number": null,
    "status": null,
    "shipment_ids": [ ]

Query Parameters:

Parameter Type Description
api_key required String YOUR_API_KEY
id required String The pickup ID returned by our API when scheduling a pickup.

Pickup statuses

Example Request


HTTP request

GET /api/v1/get_pickup_statuses?api_key=YOUR_API_KEY

Example Response
  "pickup_statuses": [
      "1": "Pending"
      "2": "Scheduled"
      "3": "Failed"
      "4": "Completed"
      "5": "Cancelled"
      "6": "Unknown"
      "7": "Shipment(s) in transit"
      "8": "Booked via email"
      "9": "Failed but Fixed"
      "98": "Complain"
      "99": "Deleted"


Directions Index

HTTP request

GET /api/v1/directions?api_key=YOUR_API_KEY&page=1&per_page=500

  Example Request


  Example response
      "directions": [
              "id": 227,
              "full_name": "Full Name",
              "company": null,
              "direction_1": "Street 1",
              "direction_2": null,
              "latitude": 19.4319089,
              "longitude": -99.1983147,
              "neighborhood": "Polanco IV Seccion",
              "district": "Miguel Hidalgo",
              "country_code": "MX",
              "postal_code": "11550",
              "city": "Ciudad de Mexico",
              "state_code": "DF",
              "phone": "5554127756",
              "tax_id": "TOU130409ID7",
              "email": null
              "id": 42,
              "full_name": "Juan Perez",
              "company": "EnviaYa",
              "direction_1": "Street",
              "direction_2": "13 A",
              "latitude": 19.3830539,
              "longitude": -99.2421994,
              "neighborhood": null,
              "district": null,
              "country_code": "MX",
              "postal_code": "01210",
              "city": "City",
              "state_code": "DF",
              "phone": "5554127756",
              "tax_id": "TOU130409ID7",
              "email": ""

Query Parameters:

Parameter Type Description
api_key required String YOUR_API_KEY
page Integer Page number
per_page Integer Records per page
get_origins optional Boolean Get origin's directions, true is used as default.
get_destinations optional Boolean Get destination's directions, true is used as default.
fullname optional String Search for specific direction's fullname
company optional String Search for specific direction's company


Webhooks Create

HTTP request

POST /api/v1/webhook_configurations

  Example Request


      "api_key": "YOUR_API_KEY",
      "url": "",
      "object": "Shipment",
      "fields": [
      "events": [
      "assign_to": {
          "level": "User",
          "id": 1234
  Example response
      "id": 227,
      "url": "",
      "object": "Shipment",
      "fields": [
      "events": [
      "user": true,
      "enviaya_accounts": [],
      "corporate_account": null,
      "verify_token": "jipcRyieeBocUbXGtYnGZ2GH",
      "disabled": false,

Query Parameters:

Parameter Type Description
api_key required String YOUR_API_KEY
url String The endpoint to send the webhook
object optional Shipment, Pickup The object to which this webhook should be triggered
fields optional String[] Fields The fields to send to the endpoint
events optional String[] Events The events to trigger the webhook
assign_to optional Assignation To specify the object to which link the Webhook. logged user is used if not provided
disabled optional Boolean If the webhook is disabled

Webhooks Update

HTTP request

PUT /api/v1/webhook_configurations/:id

  Example Request


      "api_key": "YOUR_API_KEY",
      "url": "",
      "object": "Shipment",
      "fields": [
      "events": [
      "assign_to": {
          "level": "User",
          "id": 1234
  Example response
      "id": 227,
      "url": "",
      "object": "Shipment",
      "fields": [
      "events": [
      "user": true,
      "enviaya_accounts": [],
      "corporate_account": null,
      "verify_token": "jipcRyieeBocUbXGtYnGZ2GH",
      "disabled": false,

Query Parameters:

Parameter Type Description
api_key required String YOUR_API_KEY
url String The endpoint to send the webhook
object optional Shipment, Pickup The object to which this webhook should be triggered
fields optional String[] Fields The fields to send to the endpoint
events optional String[] Events The events to trigger the webhook
assign_to optional Assignation To specify the object to which link the Webhook. logged user is used if not provided
disabled optional Boolean If the webhook is disabled

Webhooks Delete

HTTP request

DELETE /api/v1/webhook_configurations/:id?api_key=YOUR_API_KEY

  Example Request


Query Parameters:

Parameter Type Description
api_key required String YOUR_API_KEY



Example Request


HTTP request

GET /api/v1/get_carriers?api_key=YOUR_API_KEY

Example Response
  "carriers": [
      "4": "Redpack"
      "2": "DHL"
      "5": "UPS"
      "1": "FedEx"
      "3": "Estafeta"


Example Request


HTTP request

GET /api/v1/get_services?api_key=YOUR_API_KEY

Example Response
  "services": [
      "UPS": [
          "54": "UPS Worldwide Express Plus"
          "07": "UPS Worldwide Express"
          "08": "UPS Worldwide Expedited"
          "65": "UPS Worldwide Express Saver"
          "": "UPS Worldwide Express Freight"
          "08": "UPS Expedited"
          "07": "UPS Express"
          "54": "UPS Express Plus"
          "11": "UPS Standard"
          "11": "UPS Standard"
          "65": "UPS Express Saver"
      "DHL": [
          "YK": "12:00 PREMIUM"
          "8": "EXPRESS"
          "E": "EXPRESS 9:00 NonDoc"
          "M": "EXPRESS 10:30 NonDoc"
          "T": "EXPRESS 12:00 Doc"
          "Y": "EXPRESS 12:00 NonDoc"
          "K": "EXPRESS 9:00 Doc"
          "P": "EXPRESS WORLDWIDE NonDoc"
          "L": "EXPRESS 10:30 Doc"
          "D": "EXPRESS WORLDWIDE Doc"
          "X": "EXPRESS ENVELOPE"
          "1": "DOMÉSTICO EXPRESS 8:30"
          "5": "DOMÉSTICO EXPRESS 10:30"
          "9": "DOMÉSTICO EXPRESS 12:00"
          "N": "DOMÉSTICO EXPRESS"
      "Estafeta": []
      "Redpack": [
          "2": "ECOEXPRESS"
          "4": "METROPOLITANO"
          "1": "EXPRESS"
      "FedEx": [
          "": "Embarques Pesados"
          "FIRST_OVERNIGHT": "Nacional 8:30 a.m."
          "PRIORITY_OVERNIGHT": "Nacional 10:30 a.m."
          "FEDEX_1_DAY_FREIGHT": "1 Day Freight"
          "FEDEX_2_DAY_FREIGHT": "2 Day Freight"
          "": "International Economy"
          "": "International Priority®*"
          "": "International First®*"
          "": "International Priority Freight"
          "": "International Economy Freight"
          "STANDARD_OVERNIGHT": "Nacional Día Siguiente"
          "FEDEX_EXPRESS_SAVER": "Nacional Económico"

Shipment statuses

Example Request


HTTP request

GET /api/v1/get_shipment_statuses?api_key=YOUR_API_KEY

Example Response
  "shipment_statuses": [
      "1": "Pending"
      "2": "Waiting for pickup or drop off"
      "3": "In transit"
      "4": "Delivered"
      "5": "Delay"
      "6": "Exception"
      "7": "Unknown"
      "97": "Booking error"
      "98": "Cancelled"
      "99": "Deleted"

Shipment Events

Example Request


HTTP request


Example Response
    "tracking_events": [
            "UPS": [
                    "DL": {
                        "shipment_status": "Zugestellt",
                        "event_code": "DL",
                        "carrier_event_code": "kb_d",
                        "event_description": "Zugestellt"
                    "OD": {
                        "shipment_status": "Unterwegs",
                        "event_code": "OD",
                        "carrier_event_code": "ds_i",
                        "event_description": "Wird zugestellt"


Example Response
  "sub_events": [
      "CL": "Closed"
      "NP": "Not present"
      "SP": "Store Pickup"
      "PU": "Pick Up"
      "DO": "Drop Off"
      "SP": "Store Pickup"
      "CR": "Customer Reported Damage"
      "WD": "Wrong Direction"
      "AC": "Accident"
      "AC": "Accident"
      "DC": "Delivery Direction Change"
      "VD": "Vehicle Damage"
      "RP": "Repaired Packaging"
      "IP": "Internal Processing Error"
      "WP": "Wrong Destination Postal Code"
      "PP": "Payment Problems"
      "UC": "Uncontrollable Circumstances"
      "PC": "Pickup Change"

Pickup statuses

Example Request


HTTP request

GET /api/v1/get_pickup_statuses?api_key=YOUR_API_KEY

Example Response
  "pickup_statuses": [
      "1": "Pending"
      "2": "Scheduled"
      "3": "Failed"
      "4": "Completed"
      "5": "Cancelled"
      "6": "Unknown"
      "7": "Shipment(s) in transit"
      "8": "Booked via email"
      "9": "Failed but Fixed"
      "98": "Complain"
      "99": "Deleted"

Method of events

Example Response
  "event_code": [
      "DL": "Delivered"
      "OD": "Out for Delivery"
      "AR": "Arrival"
      "WD": "Wrong Direction"
      "DA": "Delivery Attempt"
      "DA": "Delivery Attempt"
      "DA": "Delivery Attempt"
      "DA": "Delivery Attempt"
      "SR": "Shipment Received"
      "DP": "Departure"
      "OH": "On Hold"
      "PR": "Processed"
      "SR": "Shipment Received"
      "SD": "Scheduled Delivery"
      "PP": "Pending Pickup"
      "IT": "In Transit"
      "DL": "Delivered"
      "RR": "Rejected by Recipient"
      "DE": "Delay"
      "DM": "Damage"
      "ES": "Export Scan"
      "DM": "Damage"
      "CP": "Courier Pickup"
      "TH": "Theft"
      "CN": "Cancelled"
      "ND": "Not delivered"
      "DA": "Delivery Attempt"
      "DE": "Delay"
      "PR": "Processed"
      "DE": "Delay"
      "DM": "Damage"
      "DE": "Delay"
      "EE": "Exceeding Weight or Dimensions"
      "FC": "Forbidden Content"
      "SP": "Store Pickup"
      "DE": "Delay"
      "DE": "Delay"
      "DE": "Delay"
      "WD": "Wrong Direction"
      "SH": "Shipment Hold"
      "DE": "Delay"
      "PP": "Pending Pickup"

Get Postal Code Information

Example Request


HTTP request

GET /api/v1/get_postal_code_information?api_key=YOUR_API_KEY&country_code=COUNTRY_CODE&page=1&per_page=500&postal_code=POSTAL_CODE

Example Response
    "postal_code_information": [
            "postal_code": "11550",
            "neighborhood": "Polanco IV Seccion",
            "district": "Miguel Hidalgo",
            "state": "Distrito Federal",
            "city": "Ciudad de Mexico",
            "state_code": "DF"

Get States

Example Request


HTTP request

GET /api/v1/get_states?api_key=YOUR_API_KEY&country_code=country_code

Example Response
    "states": [
            "ak": "Alaska"
            "al": "Alabama"
            "ar": "Arkansas"

Get Accounts

Example Request


HTTP request

GET /api/v1/get_accounts?api_key=YOUR_API_KEY

Example Response
    "enviaya_accounts": [
            "account": "UH97C34F",
            "alias": "Company",
            "status": "active"

Get Countries

Example Request


HTTP request

GET /api/v1/get_countries?api_key=YOUR_API_KEY

Example Response
    "countries": [
            "country_code": "AD",
            "country": "Andorra",
            "translated_name": "Andorra",
            "currency_code": "EUR"
            "country_code": "AE",
            "country": "United Arab Emirates",
            "translated_name": "Emiratos Árabes Unidos",
            "currency_code": "AED"

Get Account Saldo

Example Request


HTTP request

GET /api/v1/get_account_saldo?api_key=YOUR_API_KEY

Example Response
    "enviaya_account_saldo": [
            "account": "8IA8OICA",
            "alias": "My Account",
            "balance": "154.55",
            "currency": "MXN",
            "order_type": "Credit"
            "account": "DB1HDFWA",
            "alias": "Another Account",
            "balance": "0.0",
            "currency": "MXN",
            "order_type": "Credit"

Get Users

Example Request


HTTP request

GET /api/v1/get_users?api_key=YOUR_API_KEY

Example Response
    "users": [
            "firstname": "Sven",
            "lastname": "Crone",
            "email": "",
            "created_at": "2017-06-01T13:39:46.243-05:00",
            "last_login_at": null,
            "last_activity_at": null

Get Subsidy Amount

Example Request


HTTP request

GET /api/v1/get_subsidy?api_key=YOUR_API_KEY&currency=currency&order_total_amount=order_amount

Example Response
          "total_amount": 0.51,
          "currency": "USD"

Query Parameters:

Parameter Type Description
api_key required String YOUR_API_KEY
order_total_amount required Decimal Order total amount for subsidy amount calculate
currency required String Currency of order total amount
enviaya_account optional String Account for subsidy amount calculate

Carta Porte Catalogues

Example Request


HTTP request


Example Response
          "key": "X1F",
          "value": "Contenedor flexible"

Query Parameters:

Parameter Type Description
api_key required String YOUR_API_KEY
name required String Name of the catalogue, eg. c_ClaveUnidadPeso
key optional String Key of the element, eg. X1F
value optional String Value of the catalogue, eg. Contenedor flexible

Webhooks Fields

Example Request


HTTP request

GET /api/v1/get_webhook_configuration_fields?api_key=YOUR_API_KEY&object_type=Shipment

Example Response

Query Parameters:

Parameter Type Description
api_key required String YOUR_API_KEY
object_type optionak Shipment, Pickup Object for which we are looking the available fields to be sent through webhook

Webhooks Events

Example Request


HTTP request

GET /api/v1/get_webhook_configuration_events?api_key=YOUR_API_KEY&object_type=Shipment

Example Response
      "Shipment Status Update": "shipments.status_update",
      "Shipment Label Updat": "shipments.label_update",
      "Shipment Carrier Shipment Number Update": "shipments.carrier_tracking_number_update",
      "Shipment Amounts Update": "shipments.amounts_update",
      "Shipment Origin Update": "shipments.origin_update",
      "Shipment Destination Update": "shipments.destination_update",
      "Shipment Est Delivery Date Update": "shipments.estimated_delivery_date_update"

Query Parameters:

Parameter Type Description
api_key required String YOUR_API_KEY
object_type optionak Shipment, Pickup Object for which we are looking the available events to trigger the webhook

Get Reference Types Ids

Example Request


HTTP request


Example Response
    "1": "Categoría",
    "2": "Centro de Costos",
    "3": "Cliente",
    "4": "Número del Pedido",
    "5": "Número de Seríe",
    "6": "Etiquete",
    "7": "Otro"